Zen Circus - L'amore è una dittatura Лирицс транслатион то енглисх
Love is a dictatorship
They saw us swimming in waters that reached our knees
And bowing to mosquitoes, begging them not to mix
Our blood with the one of the mass of mice that came from the sea
Open doors, closed harbors, smiles to strangers
Looking at us in amazement as we kiss,
Man to man, hand in hand
A cigarette can't tell it, it might take an entire life
Or a song, surely not this one,
Other masters, other parents
Who don't hold against you who you are, what you want
What you used to be
Existing is only one moment
Those who live through time die happily
And yes, they saw us counting the stones of this desert
Patience, wasting time with the sky, doing it as a job
Paid to imagine something you can't take a photo of
I'll make myself clearer, without hiding behind bullshit
Casually written in this horror gym
Here's the stone, here's the sin,
A shepherd dog does it for love,
Not for money, not for resentment,
Flocks don't only exist for the wool
Nor for the law
We are antennas, televisions
We emit stories that make noise
We search for the woman of life or the man of death
Closed roads, eternal smiles, children blood of our work
They won't resemble us, they'll be children of the entire world
Losing the dullness of when everything was in place
Mice killed off, annihilated, monsters under the bed
You let that familiar embrace fly away
Of those who, in the name of your good, destroyed your past
When you arrive the others leave
You know it won't do, but you like to make do
As they do in those countries we can't pronounce the names of
But we like to tame with words
I was there when the facts happened
The fact doesn't continue to exist
Put it into record
But you don't fear anyone
Except your height
There's democracy in your heart
But love is a dictatorship
Made of categorical imperatives
But no executions
While, on the other hand, you can find anarchy in every emotion
Stay close to me, or rather, distant enough
So I can look at your face from the room of my eyes
Open or closed, it doesn't matter
They're eyes, so still an open door
The time is passing, you can hear it from this watch
While you work in a café, in a press or in an office and
And you still hope for someone waiting for you out there,
Not to beg you for money, nor to rob you,
Not to sell you drugs or steal your job position
But to scream into your face that you're the only one, the only one
The only one, the only one
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Више лирицс транслатионс
Najlepša zvezda
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Vatro hladna
Imaš sve sem hladne vatre
Moj odmor i mir bićeš dete
Napredovao sam da zauzmem mesto uz tebe
Tako umoran
Nebo je ono zbog čeg se osećaš oproban
To je trik da vidiš šire
To može sve osim da ti srce slomije na komade
U tvome sećanju ostaju
Filmovi i u prošlosti
Kako si kretala je jedino što se računa
Da pevam pesmu kako sam voleo
Zvezdu najlepšu
Jednoga dana
Iako bi to jednog dana moglo biti
Ti i ja ćemo se potpuno uzdignuti
Sve zbog onoga što si
Zvezda najlepša
Provedimo noć skupa
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ma ne brini o tome šta mi se po glavi vrzma
Nisam u žurbi, imam vremena
Crvenim i jezik mi se umara
Van pameta usta mi se suše, naduvan sam
Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada
Osećam se tako jak da ne mogu da sakrijem, o Isuse
Al naprosto ne mogu da se izvinjavam, ne
Nemoj me spuštati, ma nemoj me razočarati
Boglibi se se zabaviti samo se unaokolo ludirati
Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada
Znaš smeškam se malena
Dušo treba ti malo usmeravanja
Samo odlučujem malena
Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada
Ovo mi se svaki dan ne dešava
Iako nemam izgovora
Zadovoljiću sve tvoje potrebe
A sad znam i ti ćeš zadovoljiti mene
Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa
Rekli su da smo balavi
Nije zabavna naša vrsta ljubavi
Ali ljubav naša dolazi odozgo
Uradimo to! Hajde da ljubav vodimo!
Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada
Koliko žalim
Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)
Mnoge ljubavi sam upoznala, volela i ostavila
ali gde god sam se vraćala, tebe sam tražila
kroz hiljade snova, moje usne su te tražile
tražila te je moja duša i moje prikrivene strasti
Koliko žalim za izgubljenim godinama
pre nego što sam upoznala tebe, kog sam čekala dugo
ma kako se plašim, da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
jer da te zaboravim, nikada neću moći...
Lezi kraj mene, ljubavi slatka
želim ponovo da ti kažem...
Koliko se plašim da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
i kako da te zaboravim, kad te toliko volim...
Koliko žalim za izgubljenim godinama
pre nego što sam upoznala tebe, kog sam čekala dugo
ma kako se plašim, da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
jer da te zaboravim, nikada neću moći...
Lezi kraj mene, ljubavi slatka
želim ponovo da ti kažem...
Koliko se plašim da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
i kako da te zaboravim, kad te toliko volim...
Our World is Beautiful (Villagers' Reprise)
From the highest point in the sky (To the end of the mines)
Where is the spark? (That illuminates us)
What did it look like?
If only we knew
If only this kingdom
Would become beautiful again